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Anthropologist specialized in Inuit culture. Arctic World collaborator - Barcelona
- Collaboration with the "En portada" program of TVE (Spanish Television) in the documentary "The Inuit and climate change." Year 2007.
- Collaborator in the documentary "Nanoq expedition 2006" for the Urvasco group and produced by Arctic World. Year 2007.
- Director and Professor at the Clos Archaeological Foundation course "The Inuit women: their role in traditional Inuit culture." Year 2006.
- Director and Professor at the Clos Archaeological Foundation course: "The Inuit culture: the Inuit of the Arctic". Year 2005.
- Documentalist for the book Barcelona Twentieth Century Mosaic of Cultures. Ethnological Museum of Barcelona. Bellaterra publishing, Barcelona. Year 2002.
- Collaboration with the Ethnological Museum of Barcelona in the exhibition "Barcelona Segle XX. Mosaic of Cultures." From 1999 to 2001 years.
- Collaboration with the Salvat publishing encyclopedia "Your Personal Adornment" in the Ethnic jewelry section.
- From 1990 to the present is a collaborator of the Ethnological Museum of Barcelona.
- Degree in Geography and History, speciality Cultural Anthropology from the University of Barcelona.
- Article "The Inuit: hunters of the Far North." Arqueoclub Magazine, number 8. February 2007. Egyptian Museum of Barcelona. Clos Archaeological Foundation.
- The Inuit women: their role in traditional Inuit culture. Course manual. Clos Archaeological Foundation, Barcelona, 2006.
- Article in the newspaper The Triangle. "Ohmamiglu, a Inuit traditions in our home." The Triangle, supplement. Number 17 February. Barcelona, 2006.
- Article "The Inughuit of Greenland" in the journal of the Scandinavian Club. Bulletin number 1 January-April. Barcelona, 2005.
- The Inuit Culture: Inuit of the Arctic. Course manual. Clos Archaeological Foundation, Barcelona, 2005.
- VV.AA. Twentieth Century Barcelona Mosaic of Cultures. Ethnological Museum of Barcelona. Bellaterra publishing, Barcelona 2002.
- 9 Articles in Encyclopedia Your Personal Adornment. Salvat publishing, SA. Barcelona 1998.
- 6th Expedition to the Arctic. Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland). Trip to Disko Bay and Uummannaq. Living with the Inuit of northwest Greenland. August 2006.
- 5th Expedition to the Arctic. Member of Nanoq 2006 expedition. Nunavut, Canada. April-May 2006.
- 4th Expedition to the Arctic. Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland). Trip to Disko Bay and the District of Avanersuaq doing a journey with Inughuit people in dogsled of almost 500 km. Living with Inughuit (Inuit subgroup). April-May 2004.
- 3th Expedition to the Arctic. Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland). Trip to Disko Bay. Journey around 250 km with Inuit people in dogsled. Living with the Inuit of West Greenland. April-May 2002.
- 2nd Expedition to the Arctic. Finnish Lapland and Norway: Staying with the Sami (Finnish Lapland). April-May 2001.
- 1st Expedition to the Arctic, Labrador and Newfoundland. Living with the Inuit of Labrador. July 1999.
- Trips to over 40 countries among which are: Guatemala, Mexico, Peru, Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mauritius, Egypt, Turkey and Vietnam.
- Preparation of two books about the Inuit culture.
- Professor of the courses and lectures on Inuit culture gave in the Clos Archaeological Foundation.
- Cultural advisor on issues related to the Inuit in the media.
- Contributor of the Ethnological Museum of Barcelona.
- Member of the Igloos Builders Association of Catalonia.