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Ingrid Ortlieb CV
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Arctic World director in Germany

Curriculum and experience

Ski crossing around the Inari lake in Lapland - 2024
On March 19, 2024, I successfully completed the journey together with Jose Naranjo. Winter skiing around the frozen Lake Inari, the largest in Lapland. For 13 days around the lake coast, about 230km, through the labyrinth of the more than 3000 islands that are scattered within it.

First world ascent on skis to the summit of the Devon Ice Cap - 2022
With Jose Naranjo, on skis to the 3 highest peaks of the Devon Ice Cap in Nunavut, in the Canadian arctic. The expedition covered more than 240km on skis in total autonomy, without mechanized means and in which more than 2500 meters of altitude were ascended. Longest Devon Ice Cap crossing in history undertaken only with human strength.

Crossing in Svalbard - 2019
An archipelago located in the Arctic Sea, north of the European continent, which is part of the United Kingdom of Norway. The journey of some 140km in eastern Svalbard was also preparation and training for the next expedition.

Northwest Passage in Nunavut, Canada - 2018
The ultimate travel combination historical and polar. A 400km journey along the route that drove Roald Amundsen to fame. With skis and sleigh from Cambridge Bay to Gjoa Haven via a stretch that had everything: storm, ice, pressure ridges, bears, polar history, Inuit culture and at the end in Gjoa Haven a meeting with Sammy Kogvik, the Inuk that a year before he gave a piece of important information on the discovery of the ship John Franklin, the Terror.

Bear Witness Arctic Expedition - 2017
An expedition around the great island of Bylot in the north of Baffin Island. It was an honor for me to be invited to this great expedition in honoring the 150th anniversary of Canada's independence. From the small town Inuit, Pond Inlet, we have crossed Eclipse Sound to enter Navy Board Inlet skiing all the way north into the mythical Lancaster Sound. With skis and sleigh that weighed more than 110kg, it was not always easy to “climb” the enormous blocks of ice and there were days when the team was able to reach the “ridiculous” figure of 4km in 7 hours. We reached the east of the island through Lancaster Sound, down the east coast and a month later and 540km of skiing the Inuit welcomed us again in Pond Inlet. It was the first world circumnavigation of Bylot Island.

Crossing Greenland from west to east - 2016
During 24 days on skis and dragging the sled over the great mass of ice, crossing the largest island in the world. With days of “whiteout”, blizzard and temperatures down to -32º arriving after 530km to the impressive eastern coast between ice waterfalls, Nunataks and icebergs

Crossing in Svalbard with skis and sledge - 2015
A short 120km route in eastern Svalbard to get to know this vast and wild area in northern Svalbard

Traverse one of the most beautiful areas of Baffin Island - 2014
With skis and sledge we set out from a small Inuit village, Pond Inlet, north of Baffin Island. Crossing glaciers and frozen rivers for 15 days

Dogsled crossing in Ittoqqortoormiit in East Greenland - 2013
A crossing accompanied by two Inuit hunters from the village Ittoqqortoormiit, located on the eastern coast of Greenland to the north of Liverpool Land and James Land to finish in the world's longest fjord, Scoresbysund. During the route Ingrid lived and traveled to the traditional way of Kalaaliit people culture.

With skis through the woods of Lapland - 2013
A solo journey on skis across the small islands of the Inarijärvi Lake, the largest of Lapland. The route started from a hut near the village of Ivalo.

First ever ski crossing of the Barnes icecap - 2012
Member of the world first ever crossing on skis of the Barnes icecap in total autonomy through the longest possible route. The Barnes is a polar cap of 6,000 square kilometres located in Arctic Canadian Baffin Island. First in the world to complete the “Baffin polar Trilogy” (Barnes icecap, Penny icecap and Akshayuk Pass).

Thule dogsled expedition - 2011
Member of the Thule expedition, a 300 Km trip in dogsledge with Inuit hunters through North Greenland to Siorapaluk, the northermost village on Earth.

First national ski crossing of the Sam Fjord - 2010
Member of the first national ski crossing of the Sam Fjord and Steward Valley situated north of the Arctic Circle on Baffin island, Canada. In this remote fjord are the highest sea cliffs on Earth. During the route the expedition members skied down the legendary Polar Sun Spire, a granite wall of 1,600 meters high with a vertical free fall to the sea. It is considered the highest sea cliff on the Earth.

First national ski crossing of the Penny icecap - 2009
Member of the first national ski crossing of the Penny Icecap on Baffin Island, Canada. 25 Days by skis in total autonomy without any previous deposits. The expedition traveled 200 kilometers of ice, snow and rock opening a new route. They climbed up 2,000 meters and walk on all highest summits of this great mass of ice. This is the longest ski crossing ever on this icecap.

First national ski crossing of the Akshayuk Pass - 2008
Member of the first national ski crossing of the Akshayuk Pass, locate in Baffin Island (Canada). A 100 kilometers defile where is situated the highest overhanged mountain wall on the Earth. They skied the route without external assistance in winter where the temperature dropped until 60º C below zero.

Nanoq snowmobile expedition - 2007
Member of Nanoq 2007 expedition. 500 Kilometers by snowmobile in total autonomy through the frozen sea of the mythical North West Passage located in the Canadian Arctic. First national expedition.

Winter ski crossing in the Baltic Sea - 2006
Crossing with skis on the frozen Gulf of Bothnia off the coast of Finnish Lapland.

Ski crossing on the Greenland ice cap - 2006
Crossing at the southern tip of Greenland ice cap starting and ending at sea level.

Sports she plays
Alpine skiing, tennis, cycling and fitness.

Foreign Travel
- Journey of a year in bus and hitch-hiking across Canada and Alaska: Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Sascatschewan, Alberta, British Columbia, Yukon and Alaska (USA).
- She has lived, worked and traveled throughout Europe: Germany, Switzerland, Holland, England and Scotland, France, Italy, Greece, Ireland, Croatia.
- She has traveled many countries outside Europe as Morocco, U.S., etc.

The Arctic for her
She is a lover of the Arctic in general and Baffin Island in Nunavut (Canada) in particular. She also is passionate about Inuit culture.