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Ultra-runner - 6 position in the XII Internacional 100 Km running race of Madrid, with a personal record of 7 hours 58 minutes and 20 seconds.
4 Position in the I Madrid Alpine Maratón, considered the world hardest marathon. More than 4,500 meters in accumulated level difference.
16 Position in the VIII Internacional 100 Km running race of Madrid, where took part the Russian Konstantin Santalov, World Champion and Worl Record in the distance.
One of the competitors who could finish the X International 50 Km mountain running race from Granada to Veleta. This race is considered the world hardest athletics race. Through the highest European route with a great level difference: Granada 650 meters above sea level and Veleta peak 3,470 meters.
Runner of 10 marathons in the following years: 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 and 1998, with a personal record of 2 hours 38 minutes 36 seconds, set in Sevilla marathon in 1998.
Provincial junior champion of Madrid cross country race. Championship got in the Provincial school games.