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Co-leader of the Transgreenland 2001 expedition which crossed Greenland from South to North in total autonomy (no external assistance) in a sledge hauled by gigant kites. 2,225 Km in 32 days through the Greenland icecap. It was the fastest polar crossing in history at that time. During this expeditions it was beaten the world record in distance covered in a single day during a polar expedition: 421 Km.

Leader of the Transbaltic 2003 Expedition. First worldwide expedition that crossed the Baltic Sea on skis from Finland to Sweden in total autonomy (no external assistance) through the icebreakers route.

Opening a new route from west to east in the Penny icecap, a polar cap located on Baffin Island in Canada. This is the longest ski crossing ever on this icecap.

Creator and coordinator of the first hotel in History set on a frozen sea. Project carried out during the Nanoq 2006 expedition on the key place of the mythical North West Passage in Canadian Arctic. Setting up and dismantling of the hotel conducted with the utmost respect for the environment and compliance with all Canadian laws and regulations on environmental matters.
Leader of the world first ever crossing on skis of the Barnes icecap in total autonomy through the longest possible route. The Barnes is a polar cap of 6,000 square kilometres located in Arctic Canadian Baffin Island. First in the world to complete the “Baffin polar Trilogy” (Barnes icecap, Penny icecap and Akshayuk Pass).